Healthcare Professionals Data

The Most Comprehensive Healthcare Provider Coverage Available

Locate and interact easily with the healthcare professionals data you need through OneKey from IQVIA. A best-of-breed healthcare provider and professional data solution, the next generation OneKey combines the best reference data, technology, and provider intelligence and insight into a single solution.

OneKey Provider & Professional Data

OneKey delivers superior coverage of healthcare provider and professional reference profile information including:

  • Over 10.7 million records verified and maintained
  • Comprehensive provider profiles include validated name, specialty, title, role, degree and a lot more, including:
    • Nightly verification of 32 million individual professional addresses, including the id of a Best Address
    • Outstanding licensure coverage of NPI, DEA, CSR, State License, including new federal and state sanction data
    • Excellent channel coverage, including phone, fax and now 3.97 million opt-in email addresses
    • Verified affiliations to hospitals, medical groups, surgery centers, health systems, including the id of a Best Affiliation
  • Prescriber profiles include IQVIA proprietary links to prescription, procedure, and diagnosis data

To learn about OneKey, as well as OneKey Healthcare Professionals Data, OneKey Healthcare Institution Data, OneKey Intelligent Data, and many other incredible capabilities, contact us.

OneKey Validation Methodology

To ensure the level of accuracy and compliance required to propel healthcare businesses forward, OneKey is derived from best-of-breed data collection methods and powerful integration processes including:

  • Proactive telephone, web, and desktop research
  • Billions of claims and transactional data linking, validating, and delivering insight
  • Continual execution of automatic and manual processes that balance efficiency to ensure quality
  • Daily processing, verification and validation of customer inquiries for efficient governance and stewardship
  • Automatic import of trusted industry and government sources to ensure compliance

This incomparable blend of people, processes and technology enables us to deliver provider data that reflects the latest profile updates, regulatory changes, the impact of provider-organization relationships, and more.

OneKey also enables you to access IQVIA’s sales, prescription, and claims data for deeper provider insights.

OneKey is Your New Commercial Standard

Today, OneKey supports so many everyday commercial teams and applications. Thousands of customers utilize the OneKey solution in these business areas:

To learn about how easily OneKey integrates with commercial applications, as well as OneKey Integrated APIs,OneKey Intelligent APIs, and many other integrated capabilities, contact us!

The OneKey Solution

Extend your coverage of healthcare professionals, organizations and affiliations through OneKey – a best-of-breed healthcare professional, institution and affiliation reference data solution from IQVIA.

With more than 10.7 million healthcare professionals, 3.97 million email addresses, and 696,000 healthcare organizations, OneKey connects your organization to a single reference data standard and helps you understand customer access, value and potential.

About IQVIA and OneKey

The OneKey reference database from IQVIA is a direct result of integration from three premiere brands: IMS Health, SK&A, and Healthcare Data Solutions.

Looking to reach more healthcare providers? IQVIA’s OneKey database includes over 242 physician specialties to choose from. You may also be interested in our doctor emails, physician data, NPI numbers, integrated health systems data, medical office managers mailing list, physician prescribing data, and more from IQVIA.